24 Hour Phone Service
If you're in need of services, in International Falls, MN call: 285-7220 or toll free at 1-888-344-3264, in
Baudette, MN call: 218-634-3233
Information and Referral
Information concerning community resources can be obtained by calling the numbers listed above.
Advocacy for Domestic Abuse, Sexual Assault and General
Crime Victims and their families
An atmosphere of caring and concern will be provided to enable women and men to find the best answers to their problems.
Public Speaking
We offer presentations about Domestic Abuse, Sexual Assault, Bully Prevention, Safe Touch/Unsafe Touch (previously known as Good Touch/Bad Touch), Healthy Relationships and Teen Dating
Violence, QPR-Suicide Prevention. Please call for more information.
QPR-Question, Persuade, Refer- Suicide prevention that teaches the warning signs of suicide and what to do if someone is having suicidal thoughts. Call us to set up a training.
Safe at Home Application Assistance
Address confidentiality program
Legal Advocacy*
*We are not attorneys and cannot give legal advice.